
The BUILD program provides a supportive and comprehensive educational experience for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Through this program, students experience dynamic and engaging instruction, a career-oriented curriculum, specialized mentorship, and on-campus living - all within a supportive Christian environment. As students continue in the program they are expected to progress along a continuum of developmental benchmarks. Student growth, as indicated by the levels on these benchmark, is tracked throughout the program. This information is reviewed as part of students’ exit meeting in order to note progress made throughout the program and the level of skills upon exit from the program. Typically students enter the program with skills rated at an early level, progressing to a middle level by the second to third semesters, and then to late level by the final semester of the program and graduation.


Caring and keeping of the body, spirit, and mind

1 Timothy 4:8 For while bodily training is of some value, Godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Early (Semesters 1-2): With assistance, student sets electronic reminders for hygiene tasks including showering, dressing, wearing seasonally appropriate clothing, brushing teeth, shaving, and using deodorant. With assistance, student can identify nutritious foods and work toward limiting non-nutritious intake. With prompts and reminders, student participates in planned activities in each of the four areas: fun and play, exercise, quiet time and reflection, and learning and productivity. With assistance, student is able to recognize appropriate times to go to bed and wake up and sets alarms accordingly.

Middle (Semesters 2-3): Student independently sets electronic reminders for hygiene tasks and is able to identify seasonally appropriate clothing.  Student is able to plan, with assistance, meals that include a variety of nutritious foods and limits treats and snacks. Student is able to identify preferred or enjoyable activities from each of the four areas and participates in a sampling of activities on a regular basis. Student is independently able to follow a bedtime and waking time schedule.

Late (Semester 4 and beyond): Student independently showers, takes care of basic hygiene, and dress appropriately for the season and activities. Student independently plans balanced meals and actively participates in seeking nutritious foods. Student independently plans leisure time to include a variety of activities from each of the four areas. Student goes to bed and gets up at appropriate times.

Home Care

Maintaining a living space that is clean, safe, and comfortable

1 Corinthians 14:40 But all things should be done decently and in order.

Early (Semesters 1-2): With assistance, student maintains a clear and clutter free floor, desktop, and dresser top. Student may need prompting to make bed each day. Student follows prompts and reminders to wash, dry, and put clean clothing away. With assistance, student manages flex spending by checking balance in MyBethel and uses Target cards to purchase groceries according to recipe/shopping list.

Middle (Semesters 2-3): Student is able to follow a room care schedule that includes clearing and vacuuming the floor, clearing other flat surfaces, wiping flat surfaces with cleaning supplies, and making his/her bed each day. Student independently follows a schedule to wash clothes, sheets, and towels. With prompting, student independently tracks flex spending and uses Target cards to purchase groceries and cleaning supplies according to recipe/shopping list.

Late (Semester 4 and beyond): Student independently washes clothes, sheets, towels as needed. Clothing is put away when clean and in hamper when dirty. Floor is clear and flat surfaces are clean. Toilet and shower area are kept clean. Kitchen sink is kept clear of used dishes and the counter is wiped down on a regular basis. Student independently tracks flex spending and uses Target cards to purchase groceries and cleaning supplies according to recipe/shopping list.


Interacting with others and being a positive part of the community

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

Early (Semesters 1-2): With prompts, student participates in planned activities and engages with others while maintaining appropriate social boundaries. With prompts and assistance, student recognizes conflict and participates with BUILD staff and mentors to resolve disagreements. Student is able to identify the expectations outlined in the covenant for life together.

Middle (Semesters 2-3)Student participates independently in planned activities and spends time with a variety of people in a healthy manner. Student recognizes conflict and seeks help when needed to resolve disagreements. Student is able to describe the covenant for life together and applies it to his or her life and behavior.

Late (Semester 4 and beyond): Student plans and participates in activities with others. Student maintains safety and appropriate boundaries in relationships, messaging, social media and access of online content. Student is able to identify how the covenant for life together shapes his or her behavior.


Attending and actively participating in classes

Proverbs 1:5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.  

Proverbs 18:15 An intelligent heart acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Early (Semesters 1-2)With guidance, student finds classes and follows his/her schedule. Student is on time to most classes (80%). Student is able to locate assignments and, with prompts, utilizes independent study and support to complete them.

Middle (Semesters 2-3): Student is able to independently navigate campus and find classrooms. Is on time for almost all classes. May still need guidance to new or unexpected places. Student is able to use technology to look up assignments on Moodle and identify due dates. Student completes most assignments within guidelines.

Late (Semester 4 and beyond): Student is able to independently navigate campus and can assist others in locating rooms or buildings. Student uses technology to organize and complete assignments within guidelines. Student seeks assistance appropriately if needed to complete assignments.


Engaging in a professional environment

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.

Early (Semesters 1-2)With guidance, student is able to identify areas of career interest for employment. Student participates in planning internship. With prompts and guidance, student dresses appropriately. Student follows directions and initiates tasks as assigned.

Middle (Semesters 2-3): Student is able to follow schedule and arrives to internship on time most days. Student completes assigned tasks as expected and follows directions on the work site. Student displays positivity through words and posture while on the work site.

Late (Semester 4 and beyond): Student independently arrives to begin internship on time and is appropriately dressed. Student completes assigned tasks and takes breaks only when appropriate. Student participates and works with BUILD staff to apply for paid employment.

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