Academic Progress

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the number of grade points by the number of credits the student has attempted. Courses with the following grades are not included in the GPA calculation: AU, I, IN, S, U, W, WZ.

The GPA is calculated only on the basis of credits attempted at Bethel. In order to receive a degree, a student must have earned at least a 2.00 cumulative overall GPA and the required GPA in the major. Most departments require a 2.25 GPA in the major, but some departments require a higher GPA. See requirements for majors in this catalog.

When a student who has not yet received a degree from Bethel University’s College of Arts & Sciences repeats a course, both grades for the course will remain on the transcript if the original and the repeated course were both taken at Bethel. The most recent grade will replace the previous course grade in the student’s GPA. If the repeated course was taken at a different institution, the Bethel course will be excluded from the student’s GPA but remain on the student’s transcript. Transfer credit is not figured into a student’s GPA.

Provisionally Admitted Students

Students whose past academic performance falls below Bethel’s requirements for admission may be admitted on a provisional basis. These students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better at the end of their first year at Bethel in order to continue at Bethel. To support these students, Bethel requires all provisionally admitted students to participate in the Spark program. This program is taken during the first Fall semester of the student's enrollment at Bethel; it includes GES 109 Orientation to College Studies (for first-time college students) and GES 119 Introduction to Bethel (for transfer students), and GES 130 Christianity and Western Culture, group tutoring sessions for GES 130 Christianity and Western Culture, and a specialized academic advisor who will monitor students’ progress. 

Academic Progress, Probation, and Dismissal

Academic standing is determined upon initial submission of final grades for fall and spring terms. In addition, academic standing is re-assessed after students have received a change of grade or have repeated a course. Students who have completed summer credits may petition the Registrar's Office to have their academic standing re-assessed.

Good Academic Standing: Students are considered to be in good academic standing based on the following credits earned, (including transfer credits) and minimum cumulative GPA requirements:

  • 0-16 credits: Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.70
  • 17-32 credits: Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.80
  • 33-48 credits: Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.90
  • 49+ credits: Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00

Academic Probation Level 1: Students are placed on academic probation level 1 when their cumulative GPA falls below the required minimum as listed above.

Academic Probation Level 2: Students are placed on academic probation level 2 when their cumulative GPA remains below the required minimums listed above for the second consecutive semester. 

Academic Dismissal: The following students may be subject to academic dismissal:

  • Regularly Admitted Students are placed on academic dismissal when their GPA remains below the required minimums listed above for the third consecutive semester.
  • Provisionally Admitted Students are placed on academic dismissal when their cumulative GPA is below 1.00 at the end of their first semester at Bethel University
  • Academic dismissal of any student is the decision of the Bethel University Registrar. 

Appeal of Academic Dismissal: Students who have been dismissed may appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee. Instructions for the appeals process are provided by the Registrar when students are notified they have been dismissed.

​NOTE for Active Military Duty Students: Class sessions students miss due to performance of active military service are counted as excused absences and will not be used in any way to adversely impact the students’ grades. Any student who selects this option is not, however, automatically excused from completing assignments due during the period the student is performing active military service. A letter grade or a grade of satisfactory will be awarded only if, in the opinion of the faculty member teaching the course, the student has completed sufficient work and has demonstrated sufficient progress toward meeting course requirements to justify the grade. Payment during an enrollment period in which continuation is elected as a result of call to duty may be delayed until course completion at no additional cost.

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