Bethel University Commitments


Boldly informed and motivated by the Christian faith, Bethel University educates and energizes men and women for excellence in leadership, scholarship, and service. We prepare graduates to serve in strategic capacities to renew minds, live out biblical truth, transform culture, and advance the gospel.


Bethel will be the Christ-centered university of choice for this century.

Rooted in faith. Committed to excellence. Bethel will become the leader in Christian higher education by building stronger communities, equipping confident leaders and gracious servants, and preparing passionate world-changers. Through our thoughts, words, and actions, we’ll demonstrate what it means for a university to be centered on Jesus Christ.


We are Christ-followers—orthodox, conversionist, and evangelical; rooted in the authority of Scripture.

We are character-builders—concerned with personal and spiritual formation and therefore committed to the development of whole and holy persons.

We are truth-seekers—recognizing that all truth has its source in God as revealed in creation and Scripture, and personified in Christ.

We are learners—committed to academic excellence within a community characterized by teaching, scholarship, and service.

We are reconcilers—honoring the worth and dignity of people from all races and purposely seeking to create a community that reflects the diversity of the body of Christ.

We are salt and light—relating to the world and society in culturally relevant ways while being informed by our pietistic denominational heritage and characterized by an irenic spirit.

We are world-changers—driven to prepare graduates who will shape and change the world through exemplary leadership in the church and throughout society.

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