General Admission Requirements

Christian Experience

Bethel Seminary attempts to reflect from its heritage the distinctive spirit of nonconformity that emphasizes simple and direct involvement in worship and devotion, concern over secular standards in pleasure and materialism, and vigorous participation in the witness and mission of the church.

Bethel Seminary invites applications from persons who are deeply committed to Christ and His kingdom. Such commitment should be joined with acceptance of the Bible as God’s uniquely inspired revelation, an evangelical position on doctrine, a life of purity and righteousness, and a desire to communicate the Gospel in creative ways whenever and wherever the opportunity arises. Students should attend church regularly and voluntarily participate in church life and functions. Each prospective student is expected to be a member in good standing of a local congregation of believers. Students are also expected to lead lives that are distinctly Christian in personal habits and in social relationships. While legalism is disdained, the seminary stresses conservative conduct in matters of personal behavior and expects students to exhibit discretion and responsibility in their conduct.

Bethel does not discriminate against any worthy student on grounds of age, gender, race, color, ethnic or national origin, or on the basis of physical disability. Bethel values diversity in its student body.

College Degree

For admission, the seminary requires a four-year degree from an institutionally accredited college or university. Applicants holding professional baccalaureate degrees from these schools must have at least 75 semester hours of credit in liberal arts. Prospective students with such degrees are advised to have their college transcripts evaluated by the Office of Admissions to determine whether deficiencies in liberal arts work are significant enough to require further study in these areas.

Prospective students with baccalaureate degrees from colleges not institutionally accredited, including Bible colleges, may be admitted upon evidence of ability to pursue graduate studies. In such cases, the applicant’s scholastic record in college and his or her score on the Graduate Record Examination may be considered. The transcripts of such graduates will be evaluated, and if needed, further work will be required.

Ability-to-benefit Students

Because Bethel Seminary requires a baccalaureate degree from a college or university, the Seminary does not accept ability-to-benefit students.  

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