Course Descriptions

Theological studies at Bethel help students become creative and resourceful spiritual leaders. Foundational courses, constituting the core curriculum, provide the student with a comprehensive course of study, integrating basic elements of a given discipline. Advanced courses help students progress to deeper levels of learning through independent study, research, and evaluation. The advanced courses are intended to have significant value for the active minister who must depend on his or her own resourcefulness in study.

Transformative Education Model

Our philosophy of seminary education is the foundation for a “whole life” curriculum that develops women and men into transformational leaders. Bethel has a commitment to integrative education. Through work in class assignments and in a Senior Integrative Seminar, students develop in the areas addressed by each area of emphasis and integrate this growth with learning gained in the other two. Our aim is the full integration of academic knowledge with lived practice of biblical exegesis with spiritual life and leadership. The three areas of emphasis are:

Biblical and Theological Foundations

Spiritual and Personal Formation

Transformational Leadership

Faculty seek to ensure that each student grows significantly by interacting with all three areas of emphasis, each of which pursues outcomes related to being, thinking, and doing. Integrated learning among the curriculum’s three areas of emphasis is an integral part of the Bethel educational experience. Integrative work occurs both within coursework (including a senior seminar devoted to integration of learning) and at key junctures in the student’s seminary experience. This transformative education model ensures a strong seminary producing whole and holy Christian leaders for the 21st century.

Each course has a three-digit number with a two- or three-letter prefix. Foundational courses are numbered in the 500 series and advanced courses 600. Courses numbered in the 700 series are more advanced. Courses numbered above 751 are considered "advanced master's" or "introductory doctorate" level and may be taken by master's students or Doctor of Ministry students. The 800 and 900 series indicate courses taken in the Doctor of Ministry program. Courses with a “DE” suffix are fully distance courses. Courses with a “U, L, J, or P” suffix are taken with other students from the theological consortium. The prefix indicates the department as follows:

Subject Code Description
BTBiblical Theology
CFChildren's and Family Ministry
CPCommunications and Preaching
CMCommunity Ministry
DCDiscipleship in Community
GCGlobal and Contextual Studies
GSGeneral or Interdisciplinary Studies
HSHistorical Studies
MFMarriage and Family
MLMinistry Leadership
NTNew Testament
OTOld Testament
PCPastoral Care
PHPhilosophy of Religion
SPSpritual and Personal Formation
TLTransformational Leadership
TSTheological Studies

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