Biblical Theology

BT 510 • Biblical Hermeneutics 4 Credits

Introduction to biblical interpretation. Analysis of relationship of author, text, and reader in the interpretive process. Analysis of biblical books using sound exegetical method, within their original cultural and literary contexts. Summarization and exploration of overarching biblical story. Application of scriptural messages to contemporary contexts, respectfully engaging realities of human diversity.

BT 615 • Exegesis and Biblical Theology 4 Credits

Exegesis of Old and New Testament texts. Tracing and synthesizing of select themes throughout biblical literature and the developing storyline of Scripture. Evaluation of personal assumptions and framework. Application of scriptural messages to contemporary contexts.
Prerequisites: BT 510, and NT 516 or OT 516.

BT 670 • Directed Study in Biblical Theology 1-9 Credits

Research and study by arrangement with the professor.
Prerequisites: BT 510. Special Notes: Permission is required.

BT 697 • Thesis Extension 0 Credit

Extension course for continued enrollment ; required when the thesis course is incomplete. The extension allows students continued access to university resources. Student must be registered in an extension course at the time the dissertation is granted final approval and receives a grade.

BT 699PT • Portfolio in Biblical Theology 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Biblical Theology.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

BT 772 • Seminar in Biblical Theology 1,2 Credit

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular biblical theology or Old and/or New Testaments theme.
Prerequisites: BT 510. Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

BT 774 • Seminar in Biblical Theology 4 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular biblical theology or Old and/or New Testaments theme.
Prerequisites: BT 510. Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

BT 795A • Thesis Proposal 2 Credits

Development of a thesis proposal and prospectus. Survey of existing research and delineation of tentative argument and preliminary bibliography. To be developed in consultation and under supervision of a faculty member as thesis advisor.
Grade exceptions: This course is graded Pass/Fail. Special Notes: Approval of faculty member in relevant discipline is required.

BT 795B • Thesis Writing 4 Credits

Implementation of research plan, under the supervision of thesis advisor and with input from a second reader. To include survey of existing research and thesis that is well argued and supported by the literature.
Prerequisites: BT 795A.

BT 899PT • Portfolio in Biblical Theology 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Biblical Theology.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

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