Historical Studies

History is the study of individuals in time. By using the tools of bibliography, students learn that the important task of church history is to ponder meanings, not just to list information; to interpret, but not to predict. History inflames the student’s passion for God and so helps build the groundwork both for Christian living and Christian ministry.

Objectives for students

  • Acquire an orderly grasp of the church’s development as an institution from the first century to the contemporary world;
  • Employ sound methods for interpreting artifacts of the past;
  • Interpret key events in the church’s struggle with persecution, success, heresy, and schism;
  • Analyze the role of church tradition as it relates to the Bible;
  • Explore the efforts of Christian leaders to maintain the church’s identity and mission as it engaged cultures; and
  • Find wisdom for pursuing spiritual growth through the transforming power of God.

HS 510 • Church History 4 Credits

Introduction to the major movements, ideas, figures, and events within Christian history from the beginnings of the Church to the present era. Introduction to methodology and bibliographical tools used to study the past. Analysis of primary and secondary church history materials. Application of ecclesiastical and doctrinal traditions of the past to contemporary movements, theological thinking, and Christian ministries.

HS 670 • Directed Study in Church History 1-9 Credits

Research and study by arrangement with the professor.
Special Notes: Permission is required.

HS 697 • Thesis Extension 0 Credit

Extension course for continued enrollment ; required when the thesis course is incomplete. The extension allows students continued access to university resources. Student must be registered in an extension course at the time the dissertation is granted final approval and receives a grade.

HS 699PT • Portfolio in Historical Studies 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Historical Studies.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

HS 772 • Seminar in Historical Studies 2 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Historical Studies theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

HS 774 • Seminar in Historical Studies 4 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Historical Studies theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

HS 795A • Thesis Proposal 2 Credits

Development of a thesis proposal and prospectus. Survey of existing research and delineation of tentative argument and preliminary bibliography. To be developed in consultation and under supervision of a faculty member as thesis advisor.
Grade exceptions: This course is graded Pass/Fail. Special Notes: Approval of faculty member in relevant discipline is required.

HS 795B • Thesis Writing 4 Credits

Implementation of research plan, under the supervision of thesis advisor and with input from a second reader. To include survey of existing research and thesis that is well argued and supported by the literature.
Prerequisites: HS 795A.

HS 815 • Christian Lives and Traditions as Ministry Resources 4 Credits

Concentration content course to fulfill DMin requirement for either Congregation and Family Care or Church Leadership.
Prerequisites: GS 801. Special Notes: This course will fulfill concentration requirements for CFC or CL concentration students or an elective requirement for other concentrations.

HS 862 • Topics in Historical Studies 4 Credits

Concentration content course to fulfill DMin requirement when paired with the corresponding project course, HS 862P. Concentration topic varies based on scheduling and student interest.

HS 862P • Project in Historical Studies 4 Credits

Concentration project course to fulfill DMin requirement.
Prerequisites: HS 862.

HS 899PT • Portfolio in Historical Studies 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Historical Studies.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

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