Theological Studies

Theology is the study of God, the discipline that seeks knowledge of God’s being and all of his works. Theology synthesizes and interprets Christian beliefs and applies them to today’s world. Theology leads to wisdom. Living in light of wisdom from God shapes and motivates a passionate love for God and growth in maturity.

Objectives for Students

  • Acquire orderly understandings of the major doctrinal and biblical themes of the Christian worldview;
  • Gain awareness of contemporary intellectual movements and proper Christian response;
  • Form reasons for faith and ability to offer reasoned defenses of Christian truth;
  • Develop the habit of interpreting all of life through the practice of theological reflection;
  • Uncover the connections of Christian truth with the living of life and the practice of leadership in ministry; and
  • Find guidance and motivation for pursuing personal spiritual growth by encountering the transforming power of divine truth.

Systematic Theology

Systematic theology synthesizes Christian beliefs and applies them to today's world.  Building chiefly on a foundation of biblical data, it also interacts with other areas of knowledge such as philosophy, historical and contemporary theology, and the sciences, using them to illuminate and confirm essential biblical teachings.  A primary goal of coursework in systematic theology is to help students work toward developing an intelligible system of Christian thought that is at once biblically sound, rationally coherent, and culturally relevant.  Systematic theology courses should normally be taken in the middler or senior years.  Students should plan to take TS 535 before taking upper-level electives in systematic theology.

TS 525 • Survey in Systematic Theology for MFT and MACYFM 4 Credits

Exploration of methods and foundations in systematic theology, covering the subjects of the nature of God and God’s self-revelation through scripture; humanity in its created and fallen condition; the person of Jesus Christ and the provision of salvation through Christ; the person of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s redemptive and reconciling mission; and God’s purposes for both the church and the future of all creation. Evaluation of one’s personal theology in light of historical Christianity and emerging theologies. Contextualization of the gospel and integration of key learnings into one’s faith and ministry.

TS 535 • Theology and Ethics I 4 Credits

Exploration of methods and foundations in systematic theology and ethics, including the subjects of the nature of God, God’s self-revelation through scripture, and humanity in its created and fallen condition. Evaluation of one’s self-identity, personal theology, moral agency, and cultural framework in light of historical and emerging theologies. Contextualization of the gospel and integration of key learnings into faith and practice.

TS 536 • Theology and Ethics II 4 Credits

Builds on the knowledge of Theology and Ethics I. Includes the exploration of the person of Jesus Christ and the provision of salvation through Christ; the person of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s redemptive and reconciling mission; and God’s purposes for both the church and the future of all creation. Evaluation of one’s self-identity, personal theology, and cultural framework in light of historical and emerging theologies and ethical issues. Exploration of select ethical issues and the self as a moral agent in relation to others. Contextualization of the gospel and integration of key learnings into faith and practice.
Prerequisites: TS 535 recommended.

TS 605 • Christian Worldview in Global Perspective 4 Credits

An engagement with current, popular forms of cultural expression - movies, music, television, sports, social media, etc. - and their relevance to Christian thought and practice. This course emphasizes cultural hermeneutics: how interpretations of culture can shape and inform theological reflection, public action, vocational identity, and missional engagement. Consideration is also given to global perspectives and cultures.
Special Notes: Recommended prerequisite of TS 535 or TS 536.

TS 670 • Directed Study in Theology 1-9 Credits

Research focused on a particular theological issue or topic may be pursued under independent arrangement with the professor involved.
Prerequisites: TS512. Special Notes: Permission is required.

TS 697 • Thesis Extension 0 Credit

Extension course for continued enrollment ; required when the thesis course is incomplete. The extension allows students continued access to university resources. Student must be registered in an extension course at the time the dissertation is granted final approval and receives a grade.

TS 699PT • Portfolio in Theological Studies 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Theological Studies.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

TS 772 • Seminar in Theology 1,2 Credit

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Spiritual and Personal Formation theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements. Prior completion of TS 535 and TS 536 recommended.

TS 774 • Seminar in Theology 4 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Theological Studies theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements. Prior completion of TS 535 and TS 536 recommended.

TS 795A • Thesis Proposal 2 Credits

Development of a thesis proposal and prospectus. Survey of existing research and delineation of tentative argument and preliminary bibliography. To be developed in consultation and under supervision of a faculty member as thesis advisor.
Grade exceptions: This course is graded Pass/Fail. Special Notes: Approval of faculty member in relevant discipline is required.

TS 795B • Thesis Writing 4 Credits

Implementation of research plan, under the supervision of thesis advisor and with input from a second reader. To include survey of existing research and thesis that is well argued and supported by the literature.
Prerequisites: TS 795A.

TS 814 • Topics in Theological Studies 4 Credits

Assessment of the significance of theological studies to the study and practice of ministry and leadership. Analysis of the relationship between theological studies and human behavior in a contextually relevant manner. Synthesis of an appropriate ministry and leadership response, through theological studies and the integration of faith and ethical values.
Prerequisites: GS 801. Special Notes: This course will fulfill concentration requirements for BTE or CL concentration students or an elective requirement for other concentrations.

TS 899PT • Portfolio in Theological Studies 0.5-6 Credits

Portfolio course of preselected topics within an existing course in the field of Theological Studies.
Special Notes: Portfolio courses are created upon request with permission by an overseeing Program Director.

Philosophy of Religion

PH 772 • Seminar in Philosophy of Religion 2 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Philosophy of Religion theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

PH 774 • Seminar in Philosophy of Religion 4 Credits

A Master of Divinity or Doctor of Ministry concentration course; an in-depth study of a particular Philosophy of Religion theme.
Special Notes: Fulfills DMin elective requirements.

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