Mission, Vision, and Values


A statement of who we are and why we exist

The passion of Bethel Seminary is to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ among all people in culturally sensitive ways. As a Spirit-empowered, biblically grounded community, Bethel strives to develop and equip whole and holy persons to serve and lead, so that churches and ministry agencies can become all they are called to be and do all they are called to do in the world, for the glory of God.

The first sentence of this mission ties Bethel Seminary’s purpose to the task of the Great Commission which Jesus entrusted to His church in Matthew 28:18-20. Therefore, what matters to local churches and ministry agencies matters to Bethel Seminary, which is why Bethel believes that effective Christian leadership requires solid biblical learning, the highest qualities of character and integrity, and significant leadership capacities.


A statement of strategic direction, defining what we want to become 

Bethel Seminary aspires to increase its effectiveness in preparing leaders for a variety of roles that build the kingdom of God.

The vision is not simply to place people in positions or roles of leadership, however. Too many individuals take on leadership titles or tasks not realizing they lack essential leadership capacities. So Bethel’s vision is to prepare its students with the mindsets, virtues, and skills required for leading.

To implement this vision, Bethel seeks to optimize traditional academic programs for pastors and ministry leaders of all kinds. It also seeks to leverage its leadership development experience to prepare any Christian for greater leadership effectiveness.

All Christian leaders need to develop proper mindsets—they must be rooted in Scripture, shaped by theology, and connected to the real world. They need to grow biblical virtues—they must be formed spiritually, grounded morally, and maturing relationally. And they need to develop actual skills shared by effective leaders—they must be builders of teams, developers of people, and nurturers of vision.


  • We are Christ-followers—orthodox, conversionist, and evangelical; rooted in the authority of Scripture.
  • We are character-builders—concerned with personal and spiritual formation and therefore committed to the development of whole and holy persons.
  • We are truth-seekers—recognizing that all truth has its source in God as revealed in creation and Scripture and personified in Christ.
  • We are learners—committed to academic excellence within a community characterized by teaching, scholarship, and service.
  • We are reconcilershonoring the worth and dignity of people from all races and purposely seeking to create a community that reflects the diversity of the Body of Christ.
  • We are salt and light—relating to the world and society in culturally relevant ways while being informed by our pietistic denominational heritage and characterized by an irenic spirit.
  • We are world-changersdriven to prepare graduates who will shape and change the world through exemplary leadership in the church and throughout society.

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