Health Information

Health & Fitness

  • Students make their own decisions about when and what to eat and whether they choose to follow an exercise plan. 
  • Students and families are encouraged to discuss healthy eating habits and exercise. 
  • Though BUILD staff and mentors provide ongoing coaching and reminders regarding health and fitness habits, they do not monitor students’ diet, exercise, and weight.
  • The curricula the BUILD program uses for the Independent Living courses address healthy food choices, serving sizes, calories, and exercise. Students also learn how to safely use the Wellness Center as part of the Life at Bethel course.  
  • Students are encouraged to access campus opportunities to stay healthy and active by working out or participating in classes offered in the Wellness Center, going to open gym, and joining various clubs, activities, and recreational sports teams.
  • Students and families interested in getting set up to work with a personal trainer can email requesting support to begin working with a personal trainer at Bethel. The Wellness Center Director typically oversees the set up for personal training. Any additional costs for personal training are not associated with or billed as BUILD Program costs.

What happens if I wake up and I do not feel well?

  • Students must call the BUILD on-call number to let BUILD staff know they are sick.
  • If students feel too sick to attend class they will need to make an appointment in Health Services in order to determine whether they are well enough to go to class, need to go to a physician or Urgent Care, or need to go home. 
  • Parents/guardians will be contacted by Health Services by phone during or following the visit in accordance with appropriate Releases of Information.
  • BUILD staff will follow the recommendations of Health Services to determine next steps. 
  • If students are allowed to stay on campus, but are told not to go to classes, the students will be alone between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. It then becomes their family’s responsibility to either let them remain alone or to come pick them up and take them home. 
  • There is no Housing Mentor on duty between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 
  • Bethel University is not equipped with a supervised place for students to rest and recover when ill.
  • In case of extreme emergency, 911 will be called.

Health Services 

  • Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to work with students to complete all health-related forms provided by the BUILD program.
  • Health personnel recommend that a phone number for students’ parents/guardians be kept on file and that parents/guardians be available by phone during any appointments students have with Health Services. 
  • Parents/guardians can share health information with the student’s advisor if help is needed to schedule reminders for medications, appointments, and/or if additional information should be monitored or shared with mentors.
  • Health Services is staffed by registered nurses Monday-Friday and a part-time nurse practitioner available Monday through Thursdays. Appointments are encouraged.
  • Hours
    • Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
    • Location: Town House H, First Floor
    • Call 651-638-6215 or stop by the clinic in Townhouse H for an appointment.
  • Health Services offers a wide variety of services to Bethel students.


  • Managing medications and prescriptions is a critical part of learning to be independent. Because of this, students are responsible to administer and manage prescriptions and refills.
  • BUILD staff and mentors do not administer or monitor medication (including over-the-counter medication), or manage prescriptions and refills. Some students and parents/guardians have found it helpful to arrange for routine prescriptions and refills to be delivered directly to students’ campus mailboxes or picked up as part of weekly Target trips.


Private therapists may be accommodated on Bethel’s campus, if the following protocol is followed:

  1. The request for any therapist to serve a BUILD student on campus originates with the BUILD student’s parents/guardians, rather than from the therapist. The parents/guardians makes the request in writing and specifies what services are to be provided as well as identifies the therapist they wish to perform the services. The request indicates whether the services will be for a specific time period or ongoing.
  2. The BUILD Director grants the request of the parents/guardians if he or she deems it reasonable and not disruptive of the BUILD program already set up for the student.

  3. The therapist provides the BUILD program with a schedule of times he or she is on campus to work with the BUILD student and describes the nature of the services to be provided, as well as the location where they propose to meet. If the therapist requests access to Bethel facilities, such as a piano or art room, the director may accommodate such requests to the extent these rooms are available. (The therapist can contact the BUILD program at (651) 635-8799 or
  4. The therapist provides Bethel proof of professional liability insurance coverage (If the therapist is working with minors or vulnerable adults, he or she should already have such insurance coverage) by submitting a Certificate of Insurance from the insurer, naming the insurance company and describing policy dollar amounts. This documentation will be kept with the BUILD student’s records as long as they are maintained by Bethel.

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