Other Information

Elevator Access (for Nelson Hall only)

  • If students or families need elevator access in Nelson Hall, please request access through the BUILD office. BUILD staff will contact Bethel’s Office of Safety and Security to pass on the request for elevator access.
  • If there is a need for elevator access after office hours, students can call the BUILD on-call number.
  • Housing mentors, resident assistants, and resident directors of the hall do not arrange for elevator access.   
  • If the elevator breaks down, students are to contact the Office of Safety and Security at 651.638.6000 for assistance.​


  • Occasionally students attend retreats or other events for which they need to pack a suitcase or travel bag. These opportunities give students a chance to learn planning and preparation skills in a natural context.  
  • Parents, mentors, and/or BUILD staff are encouraged to work alongside students as they pack a suitcase rather than pack for the student.  
  • Being an active participant in the process allows students to put independent living skills into practice as well as helps them know what is and is not included in their suitcase.​


  • Some students choose to work while in college; however, their responsibilities as a student are their primary commitment. Missing class, finals, or any other class requirements will not be excused.​

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