Pre-Medical and Preparation for Other Graduate Health Programs
As a result of the university’s excellent reputation with many professional schools, a significant number of Bethel graduates are accepted into healthcare programs each year. Professional schools seek well-rounded graduates with a genuine interest in helping people. Students are encouraged to complete a major that best fits their interests, while allowing them to take courses required for the graduate program they desire. While these students are not limited to a specific undergraduate major, they should realize that each professional program expects certain courses to be completed before admission. Students interested in a graduate program in healthcare should meet with one of Bethel’s healthcare professional advisors as early as possible for advice on selecting a major and to plan the best way to complete prerequisite requirements before graduation.
HCE 481 • Healthcare Related Internship 0 Credit
A learning internship experience of 135 hours. Apply understanding and skills in an off-campus, professional healthcare setting. Internship can be included in a student's major (students register for both the departmental and the healthcare endorsement internship) or students can choose to enroll only in the healthcare endorsement internship.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in a healthcare endorsement. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
HCE 491 • Culminating Project 0 Credit
A culminating project that demonstrates both knowledge developed through completing a major and experience gained through the healthcare endorsement. The culminating project may incorporate elements of the endorsement in a project for the major or it may be a separate project created exclusively for the endorsement.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in a healthcare endorsement. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.