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ARH 222 • Survey of Art History 4 Credits
Survey of history from prehistoric painting to the contemporary period, examining major developments, artists, aesthetic concepts, stylistic practices, and use of materials. Compares the way material use and thematic ideas are addressed in different historical and geographic regions around the globe.
Offered: Spring.
ARH 236UZ • Medieval Worlds: Cultures and Beliefs in North Africa and Europe 4 Credits
On-site investigation of the artistic and historical legacy of medieval North Africa and Europe. How southern Spain's multifaceted Christians, Muslims, and Jews influenced, sometimes conflicted, and collaborated with each other. Studies the artistic, archaeological, and historical legacy of these interactions through readings, research, presentations, and creative expression.
Prerequisites: GES 130 or GES 149. Offered: January, even # years. Special Notes: This course carries cross-credit with history.
ARH 305 • History of Design 4 Credits
Examination of the history of design from the invention of writing to interactive digital spaces. Looking at the development of aesthetics, materials, style, and function in design as it shifts in response to cultural and historical changes.
Offered: Fall.
ARH 440 • Topics in Art History 4 Credits
Art history investigation focused on a specific time period, culture, medium, or theme designed to provide students with a deep knowledge of the major features, artists, and contexts of the designated topic. Specific topics will be announced prior to registration.
Offered: Spring, odd # years. Special Notes: This course is repeatable for credit.
Catalog Updates
During the course of the academic year, catalog information may change. Any changes made within the academic year will only be reflected in the online catalog, which may include addenda to the print catalog. The print catalog serves as an archive of catalog information available at the beginning of the academic year. The printable version of the catalog is available for download on the main catalog page where there is a listing of the current catalogs for the various schools at Bethel University, several PDF archived files of previous years' catalogs, and any catalog addenda. Together, the print version of the catalog and the online catalog serve as the official record of any catalog changes.